
New York Times Claims Credit for LGF Story

Taqiyyotomist1/12/2009 11:04:24 am PST

re: #96 faraway

Sorry, I don’t always add my sarc

Oh, no worry, I understood the sarcasm. They don’t want something to exist (the blogosphere) and they pretend it does not. When it suits them. We will surely be the biggest threat to civilization and life itself (as if that was ever sacred to these f***s) within a few short years (months?).

They have archived every single gun thread. And every single thread about Islam. All these will be entered as evidence in the attempted shutdown of free speech. They will attempt to get the public to CLAMOR for free speech to be shut down. Look for more murderers to be apprehended, with books by Hannity found in their posession, with registrations on LGF, etc. It will happen this way. False flag. Remember, everything the wacked-out far left accuses the Right of doing, are things at which they themselves excel.

Mark my words.