
Another Massive Windfall for Palestinians

lawhawk3/06/2009 9:01:31 am PST

re: #133 Ayatollah Ghilmeini

They keep throwing money at the problem but the problem doesn’t want to be solved. It’s not a problem money can solve.

No amount of money will convince the Palestinian people to live in peace with Israel or give up the war they keep losing. Giving them money actually perpetuates the conflict by subsidizing Palestinian behavior that prevents peace.

They still haven found a way to fund where the PA doesn’t steal and Hamas doesn’t convert it to terrorism.

Not does it solve Iran’s interference and desire to prevent ANY deal from happening.

It’s worse than subsidizing. It encourages the violence because the terrorists see that the money is coming regardless of whether they engage in hudna or are actively fighting Israel as they are right now (and have always been). The money may be ostensibly tied to the PA, but it is going to end up in Hamas hands in Gaza - because that’s where the money is supposed to be spent. Hamas continues its war, while Fatah plays the bagman. It’s a convenient arrangement for them, but it means the war against Israel continues.

This is an ongoing effort by the Palestinian terrorists to engage in the triangle offense - Fatah plays bad cop while Islamic Jihad and Hamas continue the war.