
Sunday Morning Suction Feeding

austin_blue11/08/2009 12:47:02 pm PST

re: #158 talon_262

Meanwhile, Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be a perpetual prisoner on her own home, while few countries in the world show signs that they really give a shit about her treatment at the hands of the junta (other than the usual diplomatic doublespeak). She’ll wind up dying in her home prison, but the junta won’t kill her outright, because they know they’d be up shit creek if she dies under suspicious circumstances. I’m sure the junta prefers natural causes to take her out for them, because they know that the US (with the UN in tow) would have an actionable reason to go after the junta if Aung San Suu Kyi just ups and dies without conclusive proof that the junta didn’t do her in (maybe I’m being optimistic here).

Well, *not* talking to the junta has certainly worked wonders, hasn’t it?