
Charles Krauthammer Joins Everyone Else on the Right

lawhawk8/13/2010 12:29:23 pm PDT

re: #151 MJ

The project as a stunt to garner financing is an interesting one to say the least - maybe they were counting on a Gutfeld to pony up millions to buy the buildings from them at a profit in a weak market to prevent its construction? In fact, a block away, Silverstein has idled a site that was going to be a major residential project because of financing concerns (credit is still tight, even with Liberty bonds and other incentives for Lower Manhattan).

I just don’t think it’s a stunt because of the way that Rauf and his associates ran the gauntlet to get approvals to move the project along. You’re not going to do that unless you are legitimately trying to get the project built.

If it turns out to have been a stunt, it’s one that backfired in a huge way because of the blowback and damage to the Muslim community. At the same time it did expose the bigots and those who are uninterested in protecting and defending the Constitution.