
Spectacular New Time-Lapse Short: Mirror City

BigPapa7/20/2013 9:09:23 am PDT

The Daily Caller Sends Uneducated Intern To White House, Defends How He Made Them Look Like Idiots

In response to criticism regarding their sending an intern to cover the White House press room, Tucker Carlson and Neil Patel of The Daily Caller issued a statement (with musical accompaniment not included here):

Some reporters in Washington are asking why The Daily Caller sent our intern Gabe Finger to the White House press briefing this afternoon. Talk about missing the point. The real question is, why did it take a 16-year-old intern to raise an obvious and important question that the White House press corps should have asked days ago? We don’t care how old Gabe Finger is. It doesn’t matter to us what his credentials are. All we care about is how well he does his job. Today he did it a lot better than most White House reporters.

This highlights the usual problem from anything coming out of The Daily Caller, their complete and total detachment from reality. They, along with their intern, completely and absolutely fail in comprehending civics. To them, the problem was not that they had an intern asking the White House if the federal government was going to send the 101st airborne to protect the Zimmerman family, but that no other journalist had.