
CNN Poll: US Public Will Blame the GOP for Government Shutdown

Targetpractice9/30/2013 12:18:24 pm PDT

re: #151 HappyWarrior

That’s what the sad thing is. Boehner sucks big time but Boehner would probably be replaced by someone like Cantor or someone even worse who has never shown any indication of a desire to work with POTUS. Boehner as I said sucks but the alternative is worse and that’s truly scary given how bad Boehner is.

Boehner’s in no real danger of being deposed in the immediate future. The angry hamsters in the House Tea Party Caucus will scream bloody murder when the cave in happens, but they lack the votes to do much. Even if they could pull the rest of the party together behind a vote to declare the speakership vacant, there’s no one person they’d all get behind. They could possibly put themselves in a position where Pelosi and the House Dems have the votes to put a more “moderate” speaker in power.