
Video: Trump Audience Member on TSA: "Get Rid of All These Heeby Jobbies They Wear"

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)6/30/2016 6:15:25 pm PDT

re: #156 majii

I think one of the most successful con jobs corporations and right-wing lawmakers have performed on millions of Americans is the belief that being a union member makes one anti-American. In almost every case in which a state is controlled by republicans and is having budget problems, these lawmakers blame union members for the problem. These con-artists have convinced millions of Americans that if one advocates for oneself on a job, it’s a very bad thing. These same persons complain about income inequality and having problems paying their bills, but they never blame those who caused the problems they’re having with being properly and adequately compensated for their labor. It’s never GOP politicians, it’s always the democratic politicians who are keeping them “down.” SMDH.

So much truth to that. Union workers have become a favorite scapegoat. It doesn’t matter that unions are historically weak and have been for some time, they’re the go to when GOP politicians need a scapegoat. And you’re right, there is the idea created that union workers are somehow less than American for having the nerve to demand fair wages, benefits, working conditions, and pensions but yet not an eye is batted when an executive gives himself a healthy bonus that most of us would be happy to have annually. The problem is while executive pay has gone up, working pay has not. This causes more wealth disparity that does not need to exist.