
Saturday Funk Apocalypse: Cory Wong, "Friends at Sea" (Feat. Dave Koz)

Targetpractice11/25/2018 2:46:42 am PST

Like I said, there’s really no way out for May at this point, she’s dug her own grave by continuing to entertain the pro-Brexit portion of the Conservative Party past the point when she should have told them it’s just not happening. At least not in the fashion they have been assuring their voters it would, where the UK got to keep all the benefits of being an EU member while getting to kick out all of “those people.” At the same time, the deal on the table is the only deal that the EU will entertain, so whoever replaces her is not going to magically get them to cough up the unicorn scenario that was promised. And another referendum could very well blow back in their faces, as the Leave crowd might band together and decide that a No-Deal Brexit is preferable to the EU deal or Remain.

The Tories are well and truly fucked.