
An Exceptional Tiny Desk (Home) Concert: Yebba

mmmirele1/30/2022 8:19:47 am PST

re: #157 Patricia Kayden

So red states are going to jail people for helping women exercise their right to a safe and legal abortion in blue states? Is this similar to fugitive slave laws? What the actual hell!?

Yes, they absolutely are. And this means *anyone*. Give a friend the money to get the abortion? Jail. Drive someone to Sky Harbor airport so they can fly to San Diego? Jail. Drive your kid over to Albuquerque for an abortion? Jail. Absolutely in the cards.

And keep in mind, there are people who will be assembling for church a mile from me in six hours, and they want to execute women who have obtained abortions. This isn’t even as far as these crazies will go.