
VIDEO: Trevor Noah Walks Back His Semi-Defense of Joe Rogan

Charles Johnson2/08/2022 5:34:11 pm PST

I’m looking seriously at making a big push to get HTTPS set up here. One of the reasons I’ve been holding off is because you get a lot fewer ads from Google Adsense in HTTPS mode; there are lots of complaints online from developers who saw their ad income drop after making the switch. And the reason is because HTTPS mode makes it harder for advertisers to collect demographic info.

But our Adsense revenue is shitty at this point anyway, to be honest. Google has a habit of taking away, oh about 60% of your projected earnings because of unspecified “bad traffic” that they don’t tell you how to avoid. So I might as well jump into HTTPS. I have the SSL certificate - our login/registration pages have been HTTPS for years, actually. There’s just a bunch of work needed to ferret out all the HTTP links that have built up over the years. I may end up just archiving the earlier stuff and taking it offline because it would take a fucking century to go through it all.