
Seth Meyers: Kansas Voters Back Abortion Rights; Trump Endorses "Eric" in Missouri

Florida Panhandler8/04/2022 1:06:18 pm PDT

re: #149 Charles Johnson

Darth Cheney = Lawful Evil

Cheney Sr. Is perfectly happy with white male rule but it must be done in an administrative orderly manner according to traditional and historical means. Cheney’ s goal is dynasty and long term family empire using traditional corporate connections and government cronyism.

Trump = Chaotic Evil

Trump is the orangutan eating the chess pieces and throwing feces across the room. He is as interested in populist know-nothingism as he is in his own pure personal power and wealth. The destruction of traditional power structures is 100% on the table as long as it benefits Trump personally, including big corporations and of the government itself. This possibility of destruction is highly appealing to legions of Trump fanatics.