
North Korea Threatens War with South

Dark_Falcon5/26/2009 10:33:54 pm PDT

re: #154 Karridine

Avanti, the North Koreans have been starving for decades, the Party cadre and friends have been hoarding international food-aid for years, there are hideous gulags of political prison camps across North Korea; the people are braving landmines, armed guards and electrified fences to GET OUT to food, even if it means getting caught by the ChiComs and sent back to being beaten to death…

NorKor is a seriously deranged country, this one more fevered, demented, paranoid, Stalinist effort, thinking “We are Communist, they are running-dog imperialists, WE can WIN any conflict!”

Well they’ve got another thing coming. If they start a war, they will lose.