
Iranian Fauxtography Watch

Desert Dog6/17/2009 10:53:26 am PDT

re: #120 unrealizedviewpoint

I want so much to agree with you, really, I do. I’m just not so sure that’s the correct action just now, seeing as this demonstration seemingly is only symbolic (with all the major loss of life and all, I’m sorry). Obama making such statements may seriously work against the Iranian people in both the the short & long term. We need consider the region as well. The Iranians could again begin to make it quite tough for us in both Afghanistan & Iraq costing many young American lives.

They already are making it tough for us in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Gaza, etc, etc…..They are going on with their nuclear plans in spite of all the negotiations with the Europeans and the US. What else will they do? This is a no brainer. They chant Death to America and Death to Israel every Friday. They are funding just about every major Islamic terrorist group on Earth. They are evil, rotten, corrupt and bent on acquiring nuclear weapons while stating that Israel should be wiped off the map. They are not going to negociate away ANYTHING with Obama. By sitting on the sidelines with his thumb up his bum, Obama is not doing anything constructive. Does he think the Mullahs or Shortshit will be nicer to him if he keeps his mouth shut? Screw the current leadership of Iran….they hate us and will not budge an inch no matter what. So, by egging on, supporting, shouting from the highest mountain top and firing up the TOTUS for all the world to hear, Obama could do more for “world peace” and “Freedom” than he realizes.