
McCain's Senior Adviser: Palin Candidacy Would Be 'Catastrophic'

Dr. Shalit10/02/2009 1:12:22 pm PDT

And NOBODY in 1977 saw the possibility of a President Ronald Reagan. He ran a terrible seat of the pants operation in 1968, lost out to an weak incumbent of his own party in 1976 (As did Sen. Kennedy in 1980), wasn’t doing too well against Bush 41 at the beginning of the primary season. He was the GOP Candidate that the Democratic Party (including myself at the time) wanted to run against as he was the “least electable” - or so we thought.The hand of history intervened - and he was President.
History, as they say does Not Repeat Itself - it does, however often rhyme.
As to looking for a candidate who appeals to “the middle” - Steve Schmitt has it BASS ACKWARDS. Winning a nomination in either major party requires a candidate at least “acceptable/plausible” to that party’s base.
The “Middle” after the nominating process will trend to the candidate who seems right for the times. It was Reagan in 1980, Clinton in 1992, and Obama in 2008, Bush 43 vs. Gore being an effective dead heat. That is all.
