
Glenn Beck: 'Who's On the Other End of Obama's Blackberry?'

Slumbering Behemoth Stinks10/06/2009 10:41:09 pm PDT

re: #147 tradewind

The problem with remaining consistent to a belief is that you must first have one.

Absolutely right. Sheehan has one, the flippers on either side of the aisle do not.

I don’t like Cindy. I feel for her loss, but I don’t like how she chose to deal with it, and I don’t agree with her stance. But she has remained consistent in that stance, and I can at least respect that.

I have no respect for those who changed their opinion on the matter when the party occupying The White House changed.

Were it not for politics, these partisan hacks would be singing the Holy Praises of Pepsi one day, then Demonizing it’s Sugary Satanism the next, just based on who the CEO was running the company at the time.