
Scozzofava Officially Backs Owens

jbolty11/02/2009 7:43:52 am PST

The republican party is not in the woods because of being too conservative. They have been losing while trying to be pretend democrats. If you want a party that is weak on defense, in favor of big government, open borders with amnesty, spends like no tomorrow and never saw a trial lawyer union or tax hike they don’t like then there is already the democrats. Trying to out spend that crowd will never happen; the gop base won’t trust you (see John McCain) and why would the left vote for you when they can go Dem and get the real thing?

Couple all this with the so-called moderates always wanting to “reach across the aisle” and “my good friend across the aisle” and just generally wanting a deal at any cost and wanting to be liked by the press corps at any cost. Notice that there is NEVER any reaching over from the left and the compromises always go only one way. Lefties play politics as a blood sport and the GOP still has not realized it.

I know little of Hoffman but as said, denying a vote to Pelosi is worth whatever else he brings with him. It’s not like one house member is going to suddenly institute a theocracy by fiat.

Frankly I am confused by many of the comments here over the last few days and elsewhere. It seems as if many think that the political spectrum only has three slots;

Obama/Code Pink/Kos
John McCan/Lindsey Graham
Super right wing jack booted theocrats.

There are other opionions and moderate republican is not synonomous with squishy wannabe democrat.

As soon as the GOP can get someone, anyone, to lead with a message of “we are the party of adults with adult responsibilites” they may have a chance to start winning.