
Catholic Child Abuse Scandal in Ireland Gets Worse

argaman11/28/2009 5:03:41 pm PST

re: #159 Sheepdogess

Actually, it’s incorrect to think that only gay priests would molest male children. See this extensive discussion:Facts about homosexuality and child molestation. One point the author makes is that some adults who sexually molest children don’t actually have a sexual orientation - they have an age orientation. The Catholic church has tried to push the idea that it’s only gay priests who are abusing male children and teenagers, but this is incorrect. It’s part of the church’s homophobia, not a correct analysis of the sexual orientation of the perpetrators. It’s also an easy way to make a scapegoat - if it’s “gay priests” who are guilty, then the church hierarchy doesn’t have to take any responsibility for its coverup of the abuse.