
Anti-Gay CA Republican Arrested for DWI After Leaving Gay Bar

What, me worry?3/04/2010 1:07:32 pm PST

My favorite part of this article:

I am deeply sorry for my actions and offer no excuse for my poor judgment….

Deeply sorry for his actions or deeply sorry he got caught? His “confession” shouldn’t be accepted because he doesn’t mean it. Oh, he certainly is sorry he got caught, but anyone who rambles on about the evils of homosexuality and turns out to be gay OR hangs out in a gay bar is a manipulator. If he did something out of ignorance, it would be a different story. And drinking and driving is so very 1980.

My mother sent me a story about a Polish neo-Nazi who after finding out he had Jewish relatives, converted to Judaism and is now Orthodox. No one had to “catch” him at anything. He wasn’t humiliated into making his choice other than the shame he felt when he found out his roots. His sorry is a true change of heart. Not one forced upon him by the camera and public opinion.

Tiger Woods would have gone on his merry way, screwing countless porn stars if he didn’t get caught. He didn’t know that was wrong? No, he just didn’t care. Ashburn didn’t care.