
Amazon Kindle Slugs It Out with the Barnes and Noble Nook

darthstar6/21/2010 3:34:27 pm PDT

Looks like Glenn Beck’s teabag event at the Lincoln Memorial just got potentially much more dangerous.

Black Leaders Announce Move Against Beck’s Event

NEW YORK (NNPA) - Black Civil Rights leaders are furious that they will not be able to organize a march to commemorate the 47th anniversary of the historic March on Washington and Dr. Martin Luther King’s famed “I Have A Dream” speech at the location where it happened this year because infamous right wing Fox News personality and radio host Glenn Beck already booked the Lincoln Memorial on Aug. 28th to hold his own rally.

“We’re going to get together because we are not going to let Glenn Beck own the symbolism of Aug. 28th, 2010,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc Morial said during a National Newspaper Publishers Association breakfast at NNPA’s 70th Anniversary Celebration at the Sheraton Hotel and Towers on Friday. “Someone said to me, ‘Maybe we shouldn’t challenge him. Maybe we should just let him have it. “I was like,’ Brother, where have you been? Where is your courage? Where is your sense of outrage?” We need to collaborate and bring together all people of good will, not just Black people, on Aug. 28 to send a message that Glenn Beck’s vision of America is not our vision of America.

This is going to bring the wingnut crazies out like flies to “defend Glenn”…and of course, if anything bad does happen, the counter-demonstrators will get the blame.

Let’s hope mother nature intervenes and sends a big assed thunderstorm to DC on the 28th that makes standing outside inadvisable. Washing out the event is our best hope of having this pass without incident.