
Barton's Apology to BP: Not a Gaffe

Mad Prophet Ludwig6/23/2010 2:28:42 pm PDT

re: #150 Gus 802

Then there was the “accidental” leaking of classified documents by McChrystal.

Why over analyze this? Any General is sworn by oath to obey the President. Any general that makes insubordinate remarks about any president gets fired. This is how it is. Even if the remarks of the general were correct, they would still get him fired. The military is subordinate tot eh civilian government. That is a core principle of our system.

I am appalled by seeing people even here whining that somehow the general was wrong for not “worshiping Obama.” That is utter crap. The system does not work that way, and actual conservatives would be the first to recognize that. Of course people who whine that talking point aren’t actual conservatives.