
President Obama Quotes Jimi Hendrix

Nimed9/06/2010 6:53:32 pm PDT

re: #91 elbruce

It also isn’t very good for America if you leave the vast majority of the remaining auto industry foreign-owned.

re: #104 celticdragon

It also would have had real national security implications. We are not about to let foreign companies own and control all of the heavy auto industries in this country. No way…no how. We have to have American owned auto industry that can go onto a war footing in an emergency. That is something the “invisible hand” idiots never seem to take into account (to say nothing of social stresses and political reality).

I favored the GM bailout, but I don’t understand why is it important for our national security to have these industries owned by Americans. What difference does it make who owns the factories?