
Americans Fear Hackers More Than the Government Over Online Privacy

Kragar9/05/2013 1:17:19 pm PDT

re: #146 Lidane


I am getting frustrated with my job. I like the people and the company, but it’s irritating losing out on major projects because while there might not be a current contract with the company I just talked to, they were a longtime client before that. Ergo, it’s existing business, not new.

I don’t need this sort of irritation right now. Blah.

One of the reasons I’m looking around is there is no possibility for any real advancement here because they only promote people from the East Coast offices.

“Yeah, you’ve been on the team 6 years, and she’s been here 2, but we can grab her anytime to pull into the office and ask her stuff.”
“You realize she answers those questions by going to the phone and asking me what to do?”
“Well yes, but she is here in the office, you see.”