
Journey Into Mystery #117 (June 1965): Thor Goes to Vietnam

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam1/17/2014 7:11:05 am PST

re: #101 Targetpractice

Remember “We Support Phil”? Yeah, about that…

Ratings Plummet For ‘Duck Dynasty’ Season Premiere After Star’s Gay-Bashing Interview

Most people watching Duck Dynasty watch it for escapist entertainment. They are not watching to hear political, religious, cultural or sociological commentary from the main characters/actors/hosts (or whatever you call them). Phil Robertson may have just shot himself in the foot (pun intended) by spouting off all that BS about gays, teenage brides and God God God. Too damned serious, Phil! Your viewers want to hear about huntin’ ducks ‘n’ deer ‘n’ stuff. They can flip over to Pat Robertson for all that pulpit thumpin’ stuff, or just wait till Wednesday evening or Sunday morning church.