
Dumbest Man on Internet Freaks Out Over "SHOCK VIDEO" That Isn't the Least Bit Shocking

A Mom Anon10/24/2014 3:39:48 pm PDT

re: #117 ObserverArt

As far as Congress goes, one of their own WAS SHOT IN THE HEAD in a public place and they didn’t bat a fucking eyelash. Instead, some of them have used her fairly sensible ideas about gun laws/rules/regulations as an excuse to bleat and bitch about how big of a stinking commie she is. And worse. All they’ve done is circle their own fucking wagons and make sure they’re safe. The rest of us can go fuck ourselves I guess.

SEVENTY FIVE school shootings since Sandy Hook. All those dead kids at schools aren’t moving the conversation, let alone the laws in a less permissive direction.

I’ve been trying to avoid the news, because to be honest, it’s like having my fucking heart broken every god damned day. I can’t take much anymore.