
John Oliver Smashes the Final Taboo: How Is Daylight Saving Time Still a Thing?

Rightwingconspirator3/09/2015 4:37:52 pm PDT

re: #158 CuriousLurker

Last evening scored some HD video of my Maine Coon cat staring straight up at the hummingbirds at the feeder. Heh similar eyes at the time.

Been after that video a while. It’s gonna clip into a hummingbird short with a lot more stills (aerial combat) if I ever pull the material into a good through line. A few more weekends maybe.

I tried to stay with the dominant male hummingbird in aerial combat with the other male birds with my telephoto. Fuggedaboutit. No human ever born has reflexes and an eye that fast at 400mm. Woulda made Bruce Lee cry. Easy with a wide angle but they are so tiny!

Edit-I should mention the birds are well out of reach. Not looking for THAT shot ever.