
A Nasty Surprise in the Greenhouse: The Gulf Stream is Slowing Down

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus3/25/2015 12:37:44 pm PDT

More persecution:

Wednesday’s letters: ‘Proper speech’

[…] Nor could he have been at any of the so-called elite colleges and universities in this country. Their enforcement of political correctness would have driven him out, as it does with anyone who disagrees with their definition of what is proper speech.

As the socialists who call themselves “progressive” continue to undermine the moral foundations of American culture, I wonder who will be next — the Christian student who dares to warn others that they will go to hell if they reject Jesus? The truly liberal faculty member who allows debates between advocates of creationism and evolutionism?

Isn’t it about time that Americans woke up to the fact that the progressives, like the emperor in the fairy tale, have no clothes?

Gordon Kraus
