
Erick Erickson Responds to Kim Davis Contempt of Court Arrest: "What Day Does the Civil War Start?"

Nyet9/03/2015 1:44:24 pm PDT

So, Cory Booker came out for the deal and his friend Shmuley Boteach lost his shit:

Statement by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach on the Announcement of
Senator Cory Booker that He will Support the Iran Deal:
Nearly 25 years ago, I introduced Cory Booker to the Jewish community and had him serve as President of our Jewish student group at Oxford University, the L’Chaim Society. Ever since then, I have been proud to share a stage with him at countless Synagogues and Jewish communal events and we have studied thousands of hours of Torah together amid a mutual commitment to universal Jewish values. The substance of our exchange often revolved around the shared suffering of our two peoples and the horrors visited upon them due to irrational hate.
Cory is my soul-friend and no matter of policy will ever get personal or come between us.
But in his statement today, supporting a deal which he himself calls “dangerous” and “deeply-flawed,” Cory never even once condemns the Iranian promise to exterminate the Jews of Israel or distance himself from a deal which he admits will legitimize a genocidal regime.

[many words later]

I realize that amid his troubling and tragic choice to support this agreement, Cory pledges to be “united with all who are determined to ensure that we never again see genocide in the world.”
But I remind him about the famous and prophetic words of Elie Wiesel, whom I had asked Cory to meet with to discuss this deal, “We have learned to trust the threats of our enemies more than the promises of our friends.”