
The Bob Cesca Show: Oh Shoot

EPR-radar10/03/2017 6:30:05 pm PDT

re: #155 Blind Frog Belly White

So, the thing about the bump stocks is that the gunfuckers will now say “See, he didn’t have fully automatic weapons!”, even though on Sunday night they were all saying ‘if you listen to the audio, it’s clearly automatic weapons fire!’

Oh, but that’s when they thought it was ISIS, not some old white guy with a gun fetish. Now they’ll retreat to ‘It’s not fully automatic, it’s a bump stock. You gungrabbers are so ignorant!’.

My standing reply to technical pedantry relating to guns is this: “I don’t know a damn thing about gun technology. What I do know is that we have way too many guns in the US, and way too much death and destruction as a direct result of having way too many guns in the US.”