
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump's New Coronavirus Strategy Is "Live and Let Die"

Targetpractice5/07/2020 2:05:34 pm PDT

re: #152 Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!

She’s doing this AFTER she admitted in the Associated Press interview earlier this week that there was no sexual assault, there was no harassment, but she only complained because she was asked to get drinks for other attendees at a party?

I won’t be at all surprised if it is revealed that she got a sum of money from some of Trump’s operatives to spread the false charges.

She’s trying to split the difference between what she told the press last year and her claims this year. She’s saying that she filed a report (well, an “intake form”) with the Senate equiv of HR about requests and touching that made her feel “uncomfortable,” but is sure she never used the words “sexual harassment” or “sexual assault.” Why can nobody find this form? She’s sure somebody in the Biden office found out, grabbed it off the clipboard she left it on, and squirreled it away to his official documents.