
Overnight Open Thread

redc1c43/10/2009 12:04:00 am PDT

re: #146 zombie

I’ve been around the block a few times, and waded through the crazy end of the swamp more times than I care to remember, but never before have I encountered the conspiracy (if that’s what you can call it) outlined in the latest comment on a video I uploaded to YouTube a year ago. Are you ready for it? :

Hi, tards! The US did Hawaii in 1893, the UK did Palestine in 1882, for the secret treaty, which started WWI and WWII. But Jews are from Ethiopia, and you standing army-yellow-and-red-bellied GOMERS are too stupid to see the war is profit, for illegal UK, Saudis they appointed, and DAVE-monarchs, when Abraham had to almost cut Isaac over his ethical complaint, as to how MOSES AND HIS COHEN-ETHIOPIAN WIFE WERE STONED, as soon as Moses tossed the tablet. GET OUT, TRAITOR-CRUSADERS.


their meds are dosed all wrong and the full moon is coming?