
Klinghoffer Kind of Agrees: 'Darwinism is a Lie Sprung Straight from the Pit of Hell'

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus6/21/2009 7:51:50 pm PDT

Put one link to the SensuousCurmudgeon in the spin-offs, but there was another good entry which links to an Oklahoma newspaper article from yesterday:

Darwin debate devolves into blame game


So a few weeks ago when I brought up something I heard about evolution, she told me something she heard from a radio preacher about evolution.

The preacher, according to my wife, said Carl Sagan said that dinosaurs died out because of constipation.


A few weeks ago a letter writer wrote in blaming Charles Darwin, whose 200th birthday is celebrated this year, for abortion. A week later, another letter writer said he couldn’t see the connection. Then this past week, Robert Bornfleth wrote in to defend the first writer.


Here is one of those letters to the editor:

THE PEOPLE SPEAK: Writer says Darwin’s theory undermines life


It must first be realized that to believe the theory of evolution, one needs to be “completely confused.”


Now, as for Darwin: His original title was “The Origins of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life.” Not even in the book yet, and Darwin is already implying human races as species of animal.

That should answer Blackburn’s question about Darwin’s “legacy of bondage.” The “favoured” races can now exploit, or even exterminate the unfavoured – whoever they may be, e.g., Hitler, Stalin, Saddam, Hamas, etc.


Your fellow Americans, hard at work…