
What If They Gave a Tea Party and Nobody Came?

redc1c47/05/2009 8:10:17 pm PDT

re: #116 Dark_Falcon

The problem is that the Tea Party organizers gave a platform to people whose very presence corrupts the rally irredeemably. Letting a White Supremacist band perform at a rally can only be a sign of one of two things: The organizers are themselves racist or they don’t care much about the harm racist does. Either answer taints them.

that one event is *not* all protests. i went to the one in Van Nuys on april 15tyh, and, although there was a smattering of Laup Norians, and some “end the fed” fools, the vast majority of attendees were average citizens pissed off about the whole issue, such as my wife. it was her first ever protest, and it was her idea to go, which goes back to what i was saying in the post you replied to: we need to take over the idea and get the morons out of the picture, not just shut up and stay home, as some here suggest. it’s up to each of us to do what we can, not sit around waiting for a champion to do all the w*rk for us.