
Poll: Was Palin's Resignation a Smart Move?

HAL20108/18/2009 2:16:44 pm PDT

re: #136 quickjustice

The Left is obsessed with Palin. She’s an obscure former Alaska governor whom John McCain picked as a running mate to try to salvage his flat-lining campaign. And with the stumbling, bumbling McCain at the top of the ticket, she lost. So why is she mentioned in virtually every political thread on LGF BY THE LEFTIES, who then proceed to disparage her?

If she weren’t perceived as a genuine political threat, no one would bother. In the 1850s, Abraham Lincoln was a failed, anti-war U.S. Congressman in private law practice. Ronald Reagan was a Democrat and a B-movie actor. Bush the Elder was an obscure former Texas congressman, and mediocre oil production investor.

Without being a cheerleader for Palin, this is a single poll at a moment in time. Her future, political or otherwise, is entirely up to her. My prediction: she’ll get out and make some money to pay all those legal bills. She’ll draw large crowds of adoring fans to GOP fundraisers in the South and the West. And she’ll bide her time, and wait for her opportunity.

If I was in America, as someone right-wing, I too, would have an obsession with Palin. She is one of a number of republicans destroying the party. I would be concerned that people like herself, Jindal and others are somehow considered viable candidates for the highest office in the land, the most powerful job in the world.
Identity politics is strong in the US I know, but she has a narrow appeal to a base that is shrinking.

The party should be looking for new converts, and Palin is not a candidate that will be able to do that.