
ACORN Cleared in Brooklyn Sting Video Case

Silvergirl3/01/2010 3:31:41 pm PST

re: #140 Walter L. Newton

Sorry you took it that way, I didn’t mean to be hurtful, I was trying to make a point.

I was trying to make a point that it takes more than being for or against a politician or an organization or an idea to necessarily have the needed information to claim someone as racist or not.

Maybe I have an irrational hatred for the Irish, but since the subject of the Irish rarely comes up here, you wouldn’t know that.

I could very well be racist against a number of groups or individuals.

I’m not. I can’t stand it when someone uses the word fat to describe anyone, or skinny, or any talk that target someone for tom physical attribute.

We all have our peeves. or more than peeves. I get ticked off when people make fun of names. I brought it up in some other thread about McAngry, McBlame, McLame, etc. and well as Nobama and all the rest, but I think people enjoy what they consider the cleverness of it.