
Baby Rhino Time

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸7/17/2010 4:01:25 pm PDT

o.t., i wanted to share this little incident that happened at work just yesterday:

there’s a big, good natured fellow who came to work with us a couple of months ago, chinese family but grew up in the philippines, i think. i mentioned that i’m jewish and he says “oh, then you must be rich”. thinking i was being subjected to some good natured kidding, altho rather cheeky since i don’t know him that well, i gave his chair a kick and said “well, nobody in my family has ever been rich”. he looks at me and says, “but all jews are rich, aren’t they?”. thinking that this was going a little far, but not really wanting to get angry, i just said, mildly, “i really ought to wack you one upside the head for that, dude!”

he just looked at me all innocent confusion and said “why???”