
Joe Satriani, Flying in a Blue Dream

zora2/11/2011 6:41:36 pm PST

re: #126 Gus 802

So CPAC allowed GOProud in. My conclusion? So what. I’ve never seen such a collection of revanchist theocrats, whiners, and Birchers.

New CPAC Head Distances Group from GOProud

The new chair of the American Conservative Union, Al Cardenas, today distanced his organization from GOProud, telling FrumForum in an exclusive interview that “it’s going to be difficult to continue the relationship” with the gay conservative organization.

“I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in the media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement and part of our movement, and that’s not acceptable. And that puts them in a difficult light in terms of how I view things,” said Cardenas.

it’s seems that this may be their last year. they weren’t nice to the respectable conservatives who called them abominations and child molesters.