
Romney Says He's Not Responsible for Bain After 1999

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus7/13/2012 5:17:05 pm PDT

I don’t know if this is totally off topic or not … but I see Derbyshire’s latest little essay is his bragging about his presentation last week to the CCC, and how he defines as one of the “principal elements” of “American Conservatism” to be “demographic integrity and continuity”.

And then he goes on to present the idea that the “escape hatch” for “Mainstream Conservatism” to get away from political correctness is - get this - SCIENCE!

Quoting his latest article:


The sciences, particularly the biological sciences, have never been in much favor with conservative Americans. This allows our enemies an easy win by claiming to be, as Barack Obama at his inauguration claimed the Democrats to be, the “party of science,” even as they turn a blind eye to the exciting new discoveries pouring out of the human sciences.

The gist of those discoveries is that the traditional Conservative image of human nature is closer to the truth than the traditional left-liberal conception.

To quote novelist Tom Wolfe: “We now live in an age in which science is a court from which there is no appeal.”

At some point, both liberals and Conservatives will have to accept the judgment of that court. Acceptance will be easier for Conservatives: we have been right all along about human nature—about the limitations on human reason, about associative preferences, about intractable sex and race differences.

That is why, of all the many individuals and associations contributing to non-Mainstream Conservatism, I most particularly admire and appreciate my friend Jared Taylor here, who constantly strives to root his own ideas and prescriptions in good science.

If Mainstream Conservatives could shed their timidity and embrace our new understandings, they would be able to speak frankly and forcefully on issues of population policy, as we do here in the non-mainstream Right.


Emphasis added.

Remember, this is a guy who has had pride of place in many “conservative” outlets.