
Village Voice: Pamela Geller's War (of Bigotry and Hatred)

CuriousLurker11/29/2012 2:52:48 pm PST

re: #158 Rochi613

I posted at Village Voice because I thought I should directly address the author of the piece. And I joined in the conversation here because that’s what here is for, no? Civil discussion? Something more substantial than ‘which team is she on?’

Apparently not, since just two sentences previously you asserted that “LGF has begun to sound as rabid and unsubtle as those you were arguing against” and referred to a “a raucous blather” that ensued because you oh-so-innocently defended a hate-monger’s paranoid conspiracy theories.

…I am not a Pamela Geller fan at all. But she’s not crazy. The rabid jihadism she is afraid of is mainstream where I live, in the Middle East. It saturates the consciousness of the people of every Islam-devoted state (and the non-state of Palestine) surrounding Israel and for beyond.

…This insane and violent religiously inspired and perpetuated hatred has nothing to do with anything Israel did (except reclaim its historical homeland as declared by the UN, that is, exist) just as 9/11…was because that free and glorious country (the one of my birth) exists, and stands for freedoms that Islam considers wickedness and seeks to eliminate in the world.

Ms. Geller is not crazy, but she will be treated like Cassandra, because America still doesn’t get it. Alas. […]

I hear you. Nonetheless, that is the jihadists’ plan. We may giggle at the idea of a global Islamic Caliphate or think it’s insane, but we need to know it is seriously on the mind of billions of people who yearn for its implementation. And their methods and acts often deserve the epithet ‘savagery.’

You’re here to stir up trouble and promote Geller’s febrile hate-mongering. You’ve already painted the all the “billions” of the world’s Muslims as bloodthirsty savages hellbent on the destruction and/or domination of the West. You claim not to be a supporter of Geller, yet you echo her ranting conspiracies and liken her to Cassandra.

Pamela Geller, by her own admission in the article, is nothing more than a Long Island housewife who was traumatized by 9/11 and became a hate-filled anti-Muslim bigot of the worst order. She’s not a Cassandra. And she’s not so insane as to miss out on making lots of money selling her fear & hate.

You’re full of crap and everyone here can smell the stench.