
Right Wing Mounts Unprecedented Smear Campaign Against Freed POW

Dr. Matt6/03/2014 12:32:45 pm PDT

July 20, 2009: Was Bergdahl a Deserter? Back to the Rape Analogy

Was the reason that Pvt. Bowe Bergdahl was captured by the Taliban because he was a deserter?

Short answer: I don’t care.

Long answer: I don’t care, he’s an American (one of us) and the Taliban are our enemies in a hot war. They have one of our soldiers.

Even if the Taliban took Michael Moore hostage I’d have a similar response.

Michael Moore is a douche, but he’s our douche.

No person deserves the fate of a hostage in the hands of the Taliban. I’m told by a friend that Islamists are having a field day over at a certain well known forum contrasting how well Bergdahl is being treated by the Taliban with how poorly the US treats its POWs captured in the War on Terror.