
Another Native American Casino Cancels Ted Nugent After Community Complaints

Lidane7/25/2014 6:49:37 am PDT

More of this, please:

Federal Judge: Firing Squads, Guillotine More ‘Foolproof’ In Executing Inmates

“I’ve always thought executions should be executions, not medical procedures,” Chief Judge Alex Kozinski of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals told the Associated Press.

Kozinski, an appointee of President Ronald Reagan, told the AP that he thought lethal injections were a “dishonest” attempt to cover up the brutality of capital punishment. He said a properly trained firing squad, or even the guillotine, would be a “foolproof” way to execute an inmate without the complications lethal injections can pose — although Kozinski conceded that the public probably wouldn’t be comfortable with bringing back the guillotine.

He’s right. If we have to have a death penalty in this country, it should be quick and honest. As long as there is an illusion that all we’re doing is putting someone to sleep, we’re not going to get anywhere. Every botched execution will just be met with indifference and no one will care about the imbalances in the application of the death penalty in this country.