
Trump Horror, Day 20: Kellyanne Conway Blatantly Violates Key Ethics Rule

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷2/09/2017 12:56:37 pm PST

re: #160 Targetpractice

The adage about arguing with idiots comes to mind. The GOP are experts at playing to the lowest common denominator, they don’t just start with “ZOMG, they’re destroying the country!!!,” but then follow it up with “Vote for me because I’ll promise you a lot of shit that will never happen!” The difference is when Democrats make promises, the media and the people hold them to those promises and punish them when they fail to see them through. The GOP? “Oh, it was all those Democrats faults, they got in the way of ‘the will of the people!’”

If we get into a shouting match over who is doing the worst damage to America, the GOP is gonna win because they’ve been beating that drum so long they can give Neal Peart a run for his money.

We’ve had good bumper sticker slogans too (sloganeering has long been a part of American politics):

Yes We Can
A Chicken in Every Pot
Ask What You Can Do for Your Country

Slogans don’t all have to be negative. I just went over the top (but not much) on purpose.