
New Live Jam From the Ever-Amazing Julian Lage: "Saint Rose"

lawhawk6/03/2021 7:03:49 am PDT

SCOTUS decisions dropping today.

First up: Van Buren v US. Misuse of computer systems by a cop to search LEO databases for money. An individual “exceeds authorized access” when he accesses a computer with authorization but then obtains information located in particular areas of the computer—such as files, folders, or databases—
that are off-limits to him. Barrett opinion, joined by Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan, Gorsuch, and Kavanaugh. Thomas wrote dissent, joined by Roberts and Alito.

And that’s it. They’re done for the day. Van Buren is the first substantive review by the Supreme Court of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.