
Argentinian Maestro Guillermo Vadala: "Willie's Brother," Ft. Mark Lettieri

A Mom Anon12/25/2021 8:44:53 am PST

I am grateful today for:

1)my husband being home from the hospital. He’s having trouble sleeping, so he’s napping right now. I think he gets anxious and scared a lot now, and I don’t blame him. But he’s home and the cardiovascular doc says he’s doing well. More doc appointments on the horizon.

2)my son has been hanging around home a lot more since this happened. He’s going out for New Year’s, but he’s been home since his dad went into the hospital on the 12th. I try hard not to be a clingy mom, but I miss his face when he’s not around.

3)the hospital hasn’t sent us any bills, yet. We shall see, but I will take blissful ignorance for now.

4)we have a roof and food. A lot of people don’t and I remember times when I haven’t, so I am always, always grateful for those things. There’s nothing that compares with the stress and sadness that comes with homelessness.

5)Cleo. Cleo is not my dog, oh noooo, she is most certainly The Husband’s doggo. But she’s goofy and weird and sweet when she’s not being a complete overprotective spaz. And she was such a good girl all those days I had to run back and forth to the hospital. That was her first time alone at home for any length of time since we got her. She deserves more than we can give her, but I wouldn’t have been functional over the last couple of weeks without her snuggles while I cried and cried.

6)for the people I have met here and on Facebook. I haven’t met too many of you in person, but someday I hope life allows for that. And if any of you find yourselves in metro Atlanta, send me a message or email. I’ll cook dinner and welcome you with open arms.

This time of year is hard for me, but I try to take lots of deep breaths and find as many reasons as I can to find joy and many of those reasons are right here in this little corner of the internet. Much love, happy times and a better year are my wishes for all of you.