
Origin of Species - The Creationist Version

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion9/24/2009 9:49:45 pm PDT

re: #147 rwmofo

Has anyone ever had an actor (or singer) take up a cause and actually reel you in?

Actually Kirk Cameron just reminded me of Huckabee. My BS Detector started going nuts about eight seconds in.

It’s a preaching to the choir thing. They aren’t convincing anyone outside of a certain target audience if if they think they are.

People on the right, whether the rational right, or the kook right, are used to celebrities supporting leftist causes. When one makes it known they are a “conservative” of some kind, they get giddy.

I noticed this when I was a libertarian. Half the posts on the LP webpage read something like this: “Wow (insert obscure 2nd rate actor on crappy show here) is a Libertarian!” Republicans bitched about every leftist celebrity moonbat who spoke out against the wars. They told them celebrities were not to listened to on politics and they should go back to being entertainers… but watch out! Here comes Ron Silver, Jon Voight, and Dennis Miller and then all of a sudden it was ok for celebrities to talk about politics.

The end times and YEC kooks absolutely love Kirk Cameron. He’s not going to appeal to anyone else though or “convert” anybody with this crap.