
Fail of the Day: Radar's 'Exclusive Breaking News'

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion3/04/2010 12:57:50 pm PST

re: #101 drcordell

Things were rolling along perfectly fine until Mandy started cracking wise. And yes, I still find her avatar disgustingly offensive.

How about you all just suck up it and move on or formally ask Charles to deal with it instead of all this passive-aggressive high school drama bullshit. She’s had that for years. No one bitched until certain people decided that she was next on the list of right-of-center people to be bullied off of this forum.

No “voice from above” has ordered her to change it yet despite all the recent fauxtrage about it. There is precedent for it to happen here, as I’ve seen Stinky threaten tac-nuke strikes to people who don’t change their avatar before. So either ask for a damn official ruling or shut the fuck up please, it’s getting really tiresome.