
Outrageous Outrage of the Minute

Manfish975/31/2010 7:12:42 am PDT

The Left hope to play the Ostrich game and hide their heads in the ground hoping this will go away but it will not. This event was not created by the Right but by Sestak who blurted the attempted political bribe to Larry King. The Left can try to paint this as nothing more than just business as usual in Washington - which I’m sure it is - but it’s still unethical in the least and possibly even illegal.

Even the Huffington Post on 5/29/10 sees this for what it is;

AP/Huffington Post - Forced to disclose backstage political bargaining, President Barack Obama’s embarrassed White House acknowledged on Friday it had enlisted Bill Clinton to try to ease Rep. Joe Sestak out of Pennsylvania’s Senate primary with a job offer.