
The Rapidly Escalating GOP War on Science

Gus12/02/2010 10:53:45 am PST

re: #136 Slumbering Behemoth

Ken Ham, president and CEO of AiG and the Creation Museum.

Kenneth A. Ham B.App.Sc., Dip. Ed. (October 20, 1951 - )

Ken Ham was born in Cairns, Queensland, Australia. He received his Bachelor’s Degree in Applied Science (with an emphasis on Environmental Biology from the Queensland Institute of Technology, Australia in 1974 and received a Diploma of Education (equivalent to a master’s degree in America from Queensland University in 1975. Ken is a fully qualified science teacher and has taught at many schools throughout the State of Queensland including the government’s leading public high school. His academic training and experience are in the field of science education (biology).

Ken was the first full-time worker for the Creation Science Foundation (now Answers in Genesis) in Australia and has lectured widely throughout the world. He was a founding Director of CSF (Answers in Genesis) and was Director of Ministry for the Foundation. Ken came to the United States in 1986 and was a featured speaker for the Institute for Creation Research’s ‘Back to Genesis’ seminars. He has been at the forefront of the modern creationist revival. Ken is now Director and Founder of Answers in Genesis in the United States of America.

Ken has had wide experience on radio talkback shows, radio interviews, television interviews, news reports, television talk shows and newspaper interviews. He is a regular contributor to AIG’s international magazine Creation and often writes for other Christian publications. Ken is a very gifted communicator and a charismatic speaker. A dynamic communicator with a good sense of humor (along with a charming Australian accent), he has the unique ability to make the evolution/creation conflict relevant as it speaks to the important issues of today.

Ham’s book The Lie: Evolution has become a best-seller in America and Australia. Not widely known is that Ken is a keen musician who led his own musical group and composed his own music.