
Robert Stacy McCain on Date Rape: 'You Buy the Ticket, You Take the Ride'

Mad Prophet Ludwig12/08/2010 1:29:30 pm PST

This sick, sick depraved stuff is the other side of what I was writing about yesterday.

There are so many ways that people simply abuse each other and justify abusing each other. It is all disgusting in the worst possible ways.

If yesterday, I was sickened by the ways that certain women manipulate stupid men, today I get treated to the ugly, ugly side of abusive men who wish to prey on women.

I suppose the real mediation here to come up with is that the right wing these days is based on the most selfish, everyone for themselves, “I got mine, F-U sort of mentality.”

In this way, both of those disgusting things become one in the same.

RSM sees women as object for his enjoyment, and how dare they complain about the actions of an ubermensch like him! They asked for it. He never has responsibility. He never needs to see women as people.

The women on Fox use their sexuality to sell propaganda and turn themselves into such objects. Sure it is all part of the way get they get paid. It’s show business. The rubes are stupid…. They asked for it. She never has responsibility. She never needs to portray women as people.

Do I make any more sense now?

This is all just a repugnant cycle of abuse, self abuse and dehumanization perpetrated by those who only ever think of themselves, and have no care for others as an enshrined philosophy.