
US Warns Hundreds of People Named in Wikileaks Cables

What, me worry?1/07/2011 8:55:45 am PST

re: #161 garhighway

I see if I can find the paperwork, but the fees were in the multiple thousands of dollars. My mortgage was with a company that Chase bought, so now it’s with them. I’m talking with them about the refi, and they are my bank, so you would think that a straight refi at a bank that already holds the paper and where I already bank ought to be cheap and easy, but you never know.

The really annoying thing was that the list of fees (which I will look for) included several items that just scream “pure profit”. It gave me the sense that they don’t give a shit about trying to make money on the mortgage itself, they’d rather just get it on the fees up front and call it a day.

Far be it from me to give advice on this subject, but it seems the rates are so great now, you could shop for another bank. $1000s really is too high. And I was worried about $250! I’m stuck with Chase on my mortgage now and I hate them. They gave me a host of troubles.