
Rep. Weiner Asks for Leave From House, Seeks Treatment

jvic6/11/2011 3:24:08 pm PDT

re: #147 negativ

…Be it congress, coal mining, thoracic surgery, cinematography, economics, theoretical physics, or mopping floors, I can’t think of anyone better qualified than Mark Steyn to expound and elucidate upon the intricacies and relative merits of one’s occupation.

Radley Balko of Reason Magazine (now at the Huffington Post) on pundits:

They’re on TV not because they have specialized knowledge about a given story, but because they’re talented at applying standard partisan talking points to a wide variety of issues. And now, Dick Morris will talk about the Federal Reserve. Joining us to explain what the drug war violence in Mexico means to you, here’s Democratic strategist Bob Beckell. Their job is to tell the portion of the audience that already agrees with them what the audience already thinks it knows. Everyone is stupider for it.

And a few people are richer.